The stories of my encounters with Christ through college, mission trips, work, family, friends, and everything in-between. Follow my adventures by entering your email on the right side of the page.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Drum Roll Please

Back in the continental United States! Being in Yakutat for the last two weeks was truly humbling and life changing. I'm so excited to share with you all my stories and photos! Photos are gradually being put on Facebook but stories to go with them will follow soon! Sorry for the lag in blog posts, there was not service and I was on a media fast and now I'm in Loveland, Colorado to jump into training for my job with Group Mission Trips for the summer. Speaking of which I got my destinations tonight for my camps this summer. ...drum roll please

June 29-July 4: Greenwood, South Carolina
July 12-18: Seth, West Virginia
July 26- Aug 1: Charolette, New York

I'll be posting my address for people to send me mail soon as well as my travel plans for all those who want to see me!

I'll be posting more now that I have Internet again, but this was mainly to share where I will be this summer. Please continue praying for me as I encounter Christ this summer through mission

Peace and Blessings

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