The stories of my encounters with Christ through college, mission trips, work, family, friends, and everything in-between. Follow my adventures by entering your email on the right side of the page.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

To the Last Frontier and Beyond!

I'm addicted to charity.

Yup you read me right. I went on my very first mission trip, or workcamp as it was called back in 2008 when I was 14 years old.Since then I have been on 3 other workcamps and 2 international mission trips (Jamaica and the Dominican Republic) and each trip has blessed me with different opportunities and experiences.

6 mission trips in 6 years.

In two days I will begin my journey on my 7th mission trip as I journey up to the remote island of Yakutat, Alaska. I will be spending two weeks missioning to the community by repairing homes, picking up tsunami debris, organizing a bible camp for the kids after school, leading the community in prayer, and embracing their culture.

But wait....there's more!

After two weeks in Alaska I will then be flying straight to Denver, Colorado to begin my two week training for my job this summer. What will I be doing? I will be serving as a Red Shirt summer staff for GroupMission Trips, an organization which creates workcamps for high school students to serve over the summer with their church youth groups. Yes, it is the exact same organization which my youth group went on workcamps with when I was in high school! So what will I be doing for them? I am an office manager where I will be working at three different workcamps across the country. I receive my assignments the night we get to Colorado which will be three different destinations across the country. After my two weeks of training, my team and I will pack up and drive to our first destination, set up and run the camp, then break it down, pack up, and drive to our next destination. I then will be returning home back in August.

That may dear friends is just shy of 12 weeks, or 3 months on which I will be out across the United States, literally journeying from the West to the East coast to share God's love and mission to every person whom I meet this summer, which is why I have started this blog! I will be updating everyone where I am, what I have been doing, as well as some stories and pictures from where I have been. If you want to get updates on when I have posted a new entry, enter your email in the email box on the upper right corner of the blog.

Please keep me and all my team members and those whom I will encounter across the United States in your prayers this summer, and I will keep you all in mine.

Peace and Blessings Y'all

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