The stories of my encounters with Christ through college, mission trips, work, family, friends, and everything in-between. Follow my adventures by entering your email on the right side of the page.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I'm Just a Little Missionary

I go to college. I'm going to graduate early. I major in geography. I read, play lacrosse, bake, run, travel, and chill with friends. I'm a twenty something who does all these things and more, but who am I?

I'm just a small missionary of Christ.

I guess you could say that I had my second "reversion" (or re-introduction into the Catholic faith) when I was a freshmen in college. Even then, it took me until my second year to really begin to realize that I'm not just a Catholic, I'm proud to be Catholic. It then took me another year to figure out that, I'm not just a Catholic, I'm called to be a missionary of Jesus. Now before jumping to conclusions, no I am not an actual missionary whereit is my job, like    in FOCUS (although they are very cool people). What I mean by missionary of Jesus is that we as Catholics are called to love others and share God's love and message to others. When we have something valuable and beautiful, such as a new iphone or a new car, we WANT to show it off to others, we want to tell everyone what we just got. It`s the same with the word of God.

So what does that mean then? It starts by being a geniue person; saying hello to everyone, holding doors open, inviting people to lunch or going to get coffee. It then grows into not being afraid to ask those questions; what do you believe, what excites you about the faith, what do you think God has in store for you? It means inviting everyone, both new and old friends to come to mass, adoration, liturgy or the hours, or bible study with you. It doesn`t have to always be a dramatic gesture; even Jesus started with the simple fishermen by asking them just to come and follow Him. He didn`t give all these details, He didn't start with the deep questions, He started with a simple invititation.

If we are to be like Christ, we must first listen and follow Him. I know, this is way easier said than done. For me, it feels like God is just dumping everything imaginable on me ranging from schoolwork to new eating habits, to relationships with friends and family. At times I want to scream "I can't take this anymore'" because at times it feels like I`m left alone. But that`s the beauty, we are never alone; it may not always feel that way, but even though we don:t always deserve it, Godis always with us and always loves us. In order for us to share His message as missionaries, we need to listen to it and live it first.

I'm been Catholic my entire life, and I'm just beginning on this journey now. It will be tough, it will ge frustrating, and we will want to give up, but with Mary, Jesus, and all the saints cheering us on, how can we loose? Pray everyday; both in need and thanksgiving, share love in both big and small ways, and always keep God`s love and word in your own heart.

I'm just a little missionary, but I have a big message to share.

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