For those of you who know me, I'm a sucker for a good quote; song, saint, bible verse, inspirational, you name it, I will most likely love it. When thinking of my next blog post to write, which has been a very long time due to being incredibly busy college student during finals week, I was actually praying in the chapel the other week when the song "Where You Lead Me" by MercyMe popped into my head. Now I know what you all are probably thinking, she was just listening to that song prior to going into the chapel to pray, so as a form of distraction she is now singing those random songs in her head. Well my fellow companions, that is not the case. The last time I really listened to that song was years ago, so long ago that in fact I actually can't remember when I last listened to it. So now you would probably be saying, well it' just random that the song just happened to pop into your head then. Wrong again my friends, wrong again. Let me take you back a couple of weeks to get you all updated, then it will all make sense of why this song happened to come into my head while I was praying.
April is a very busy/crazy time of year for college students; there are many last minute assignments that professors want to get in, research papers are due within the last few days of classes, finals are quickly approaching, which can't be studied for since all the other assignments need to get done first. Basically, it's a month full of crazy. In addition to that, we were preparing for next years council elections at the Catholic Campus Minisry, or the CCM as I will refer it to. People were getting nominated, accpeting/declining nominations, and preparing to see who would fill the positions for the upcoming year. While usually very excited during this time, thinking of where I will be elected to, I was quite sad this year. This year was my last year on my CCM council, because next fall I will be graduating early, and since the council positions require a full year of service, I was not able to fulfill those requirements. So elections happened, and the new council was elected for next year.
The following Monday we then will have a joint council meeting, where both the outgoing and incoming council will have our bi-weekly meeting together. As soon as all of the meetings of the day were finished, our term was done, or as Katie, our president put it, "It is finished". It realy started to hit me then; while I wasn't going to be graduating this year, I only had one semester left. Even then, the current semester is almost over and now the summer is quickly upon us. What is going to happen?
What will happen? I think that question is asked so often of our society every single day. We yearn so much to be in constant control of our lives; what we eat, how we dress, where we live, who we are friends with, that we hate the thought that we have no idea what the future holds for us. I know for a fact that I struggle with this quite often, espeically now with everyone constantly asking me what I plan on doing once I graduate next semester. What am I going to do? Where am I going to go? After our day of meetings, I then sat in the chapel and just thought about it all, what was going to happen in my life. Then, the MercyMe song "Where You Lead Me" came into my head. Now this isn't the first time this has happened where a song that I haven't listened to in years suddenly comes into my head, so because of that, I just sat and listened to the lyrics play in my head. My favorite part is the chorus
Where you lead me, I will follow. Where you lead me, I give my life away. Where you lead me, I will follow forever and a day.
How beautiful are these words, I thought. I may not know what all this summer will bring, nor what next semester will bring, nor what the next year will bring after I graduate, and I was really starting to realize all this when my time on CCM council was done. But, while this part of my life is finished, more chapters will begin to be written, and while I don't know what the storyline will be, wherever God will lead me, I will follow.
Listen to Where You Lead Me by MercyMe here